March, 2015

Abigail AdamsAbigail Adams. Pastel by Benjamin Blyth, c. 1766 (Photo: Massachusetts Historical Society)

Remember the Ladies: Revolutionary Women Writers

In a March 31st, 1776 letter to her husband John, who was in Philadelphia engaged in the debates of the Second Continental Congress that would lead to the Declaration of Independence, Abigail Adams famously wrote, “by the way in the new Code of Laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make I desire you would Remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors.

Congressional pugilistsCongressional pugilists. A crude portrayal of a fight on the floor of Congress. (Photo: Library of Congress)

What Tools Not To Use In Political Fighting: A Pocket Guide

If you pay attention to how people discuss politics online in social media, you might feel your head spinning. Far too many people on left and right are insisting not only that their adversaries are somehow bad for America, but that they’re traitors, or that they’ve committed sedition, or that they’ve violated the Logan Act.