A look into the positive effects of President Nixon’s “ping-pong diplomacy”
Sarah Katherine Mergel
The 1976 Contested Republican Convention
When Reagan Challenged Moderates’ Control of the Party
Drafting Goldwater in 1964
Conservatives’ Efforts in 1964 Ultimately Opened the Door for Reagan
The Failed Assassination Attempt on Ronald Reagan
It Had A Major Impact On His Presidency
From Victory to Defeat: The Equal Rights Amendment
A Divide Amongst Women Prevents Equal Rights
The Legacy of George S. Patton
Few Americans, including Richard Nixon, would forget the man or the biopic version of his life.
I Am Woman: Lingering Questions About Women’s Equality
Helen Reddy’s song peaked while the feminist movement was on the cusp of a great victory that never came to fruition.
The Kennedy Legacy: The Assassination and Historical Memory
Americans tend to rank Kennedy high in terms of greatness. But many historians see his presidency as overrated. What accounts for the mismatch?
Going to the Brink: The End of the Cuban Missile Crisis
RFK’s Thirteen Days downplayed Soviet and Cuban roles in resolving the near disaster and masked the real length of the crisis.