Politics & Economics

Congressional pugilistsCongressional pugilists. A crude portrayal of a fight on the floor of Congress. (Photo: Library of Congress)

What Tools Not To Use In Political Fighting: A Pocket Guide

If you pay attention to how people discuss politics online in social media, you might feel your head spinning. Far too many people on left and right are insisting not only that their adversaries are somehow bad for America, but that they’re traitors, or that they’ve committed sedition, or that they’ve violated the Logan Act.

Schuyler ColfaxSchuyler Colfax. (Photo: Library of Congress)

The Tragic Life and Cold Death of Schuyler Colfax

On January 14, 1885, the New York Times carried a headline that read “Schuyler Colfax Dead; He Drops Down in a Railway Station.” While this would be a sad headline to describe anyone’s death, it was made a bit more awful by the fact that Schuyler Colfax was a former Vice President of the United States and Speaker of the House of Representatives.