Woody Guthrie’s iconic status is due to how he represents the “folk” in folk music.
On This Day
Thirty-Five Years of HIV/AIDS
The History of a Deadly Disease
How Robert E. Lee Helped Destroy Slavery
The General’s Success Pushed Lincoln Toward Emancipation
Republicans and the Homestead Act
A Means to Provide Opportunity to the Masses
The Southern Origins of Soil Conservation
Advocacy For Soil Conservation Began Before The Dust Bowl
The Failed Assassination Attempt on Ronald Reagan
It Had A Major Impact On His Presidency
Evangelism in Patrick Henry’s “Liberty or Death” Speech
Henry Relied on Religious Ideas and Biblical Text
From Victory to Defeat: The Equal Rights Amendment
A Divide Amongst Women Prevents Equal Rights
Slavery Caused the Civil War
So Said The Vice President of the Confederacy
Theodore Roosevelt & Valentine’s Day
The Day Has Brought Such Heartache to Few Others